Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Bush Response to Critics: Trash 'em, Start PR Blitz

Shifting his vacation location from Crawford, Texas to remote Idaho so the demonstrators have a harder time getting close, Bush continues to trash his critics and keep his head in the sand.
In a CNN story today, Bush is trying to marginalize Cindy Sheehan, claiming she doesn't represent the views of most military families. Of course, he can't back that claim up, but that doesn't matter to him as the White House is in damage control mode trying to stop the groundswell one hurting mother has helped motivate.
Today Bush is giving a speech to a carefully screened audience of Idaho National Guard and their families. Perhaps they could use the device veteran Bill Moyer, 73, used when Bush spoke the other day at the Veterans of Foreign Wars meeting.
(AP Photo / Douglas C. Pizac)