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Monday, October 30, 2006


George Allen's Arrest Records Are Being Kept Secret

Why won't Sen. George Allen release his arrest records?

The fact that he is refusing to release his arrest records suggests he has something to hide.

Friday, October 27, 2006


America Isn't Buying Republicans' Negative Ads

Trying desperately to hang on to power, Republicans are trying anything.

Negative TV and radio ads are everywhere, as today's Washington Post details. Ads filled with distortions and outright lies.

And in Tennessee, Republican ads are filled with racism. Some Republicans just can't stand the thought of a black man being their Senator. But Rep. Harold Ford Jr. kept cool under the assault and is turning the negative, racist ads against his Republican opponent.

Americans just aren't buying the nastiness from the Republicans.

Americans deserve better than the Republicans we have in power now.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Desperate Times for Republicans

You know the old saying "Desperate times call for desperate measures."

I don't know where the saying originated, but it sure applies to Republicans these days. As they see power slipping away, they are pulling out all the stops.

Bush now says he no longer will refer to his non-strategy in Iraq as "stay the course." Republican spin doctors and right-wing talk radio hosts and Fox News are denying he ever said it. Bush lied about saying it. Press Secretary Tony Snow even went on Fox to downplay the number of times Bush has said it.

And now the White House and the Republican National Committee are putting on a full court press, trotting out Cheney to scare people, and hosting right wing radio talk shows on the White House lawn, again trying to scare people.

But the American people are not as dumb as Republicans think.

Monday, October 23, 2006


Elections Looking Good for Dems, Country

The polls are pointing in the right direction.

It now is quite likely the Democrats will gain control of the US House of Representatives. And in recent weeks, Democratic candidates have moved ahead in several US Senate races, resulting in the likelihood of an even smaller Republican majority, and even possible control of the Senate by Democrats.

This is good for Democrats, and even better for our country.

Republicans, fearing loss of power, are trying to pretend they are not Republicans. How many TV ads or campaign posters do you see where they identify themselves as Republicans?

Friday, October 13, 2006


Tired of Politics; Going Riding this Weekend

The bad news just keeps coming for Republicans.
I'm disgusted.

I'm taking off this weekend to ride the Harley and be with the family. I'm not going to think about how disgusting the Republicans are.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Democratic Prospects Looking Better and Better

I have been out on business, mostly, for a week. I went to an out-of-town conference Tuesday through Friday, and then took off for a long out-of-town weekend, finally returning to the office today.

I have tried to keep up with the political news, but since I have been outside the beltway for a week I am sure I have missed some details.

But according to the latest polls, things are looking better for the Democrats. Some Republicans are throwing in the towel, even expecting losses of 30 seats.

Republicans are spinning like crazy, trying to hold onto power, but America has had enough it seems.

Monday, October 02, 2006


House Repub Leadership Spinning to Deflect Foley Responsibility

Speaker of the House Denny Hastert and Rep. John Shimkus, who is in charge of the Congressional Page Program, just held a press conference to say they just found out Friday about Republican Rep. Foley's sexually explicit Instant Message exchanges with a 16-year-old boy. Hastert expressed outrage and disgust and said that if Foley had not resigned he would have demanded his expulsion from the House.

It was a grand performance, meant to confuse people in to thinking Republican House leadership knew nothing of Foley's pattern of innappropriate activities with underage pages. Naturally, they refused to take questions and left imediately.

But the fact is that Hastert did know about Foley's improper exchanges with the 16-year-old.

He is splitting hairs here by focusing on the Instant Messages.

He did not mention the fact that he knew about e-mail exchanges between Foley and a page. And Shimkus knew and Republican Majority Leader John Boehner knew and Republican Rep. Tom Reynolds, head of the Republican Congressional Compaign Committee, knew.

And so did others.

America deserves better. Let's work to restore Democratic majorities.

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