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Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Desperate Times for Republicans

You know the old saying "Desperate times call for desperate measures."

I don't know where the saying originated, but it sure applies to Republicans these days. As they see power slipping away, they are pulling out all the stops.

Bush now says he no longer will refer to his non-strategy in Iraq as "stay the course." Republican spin doctors and right-wing talk radio hosts and Fox News are denying he ever said it. Bush lied about saying it. Press Secretary Tony Snow even went on Fox to downplay the number of times Bush has said it.

And now the White House and the Republican National Committee are putting on a full court press, trotting out Cheney to scare people, and hosting right wing radio talk shows on the White House lawn, again trying to scare people.

But the American people are not as dumb as Republicans think.

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