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Thursday, May 04, 2006


House Passes Weak Lobby Reform Bill

The "reform" measure the House narrowly passed is a far cry from what the Republican Leadership was talking about when Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff copped his plea deal.

The bill they passed will require me to file my lobbying reports four times a year instead of two, and will require me to list any personal contributions I make to a Member, information that is already available to the public.

But gifts to Members and staff, such as sporting event tickets, meals, etc. are still allowed.

And travel on corporate airplanes is still permitted, although registered lobbyists may not accompany the Member on the flight. Former Republican Majority Leader Tom DeLay and current Republican Majority Leader John Boehner use corporate jets regularly. It sure beats standing in the security lines at National Airport.

All in all, as predicted, no real reform, but Republicans can tell constituents how tough they responded to the scandal.

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