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Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Will Republican Anti-Immigrant Action Help Democrats?

Republicans are in total disarray over the immigration issue.

On the one hand, they have the wealthy business interests who like cheap labor. But on the other hand, they have the anti-immigrant, law-and-order types who want to deport all aliens and build a big fence along the Mexican border.

Karl Rove went to the Hill today to try and shore up Republican support for Bush's plan, which includes a "pathway to citizenship" that the right wingers see as amnesty. The right wingers want to deport everybody first -- send them all home -- before any can apply for citizenship.

Today's meeting didn't go well for Rove, according to CQ.com. (This is a subscription site, so you may not be able to access the story.)

CQ quotes Republican Rep. Darrell Issa (California) as saying, "Karl Rove had his hat handed to him." Issa is among those who supports tighter border security. Rove "didn't get any positive response to the president's speech," said Issa, according to CQ.

The oppressive, punitive, downright nasty nature of Republicans toward any minority is on display for all to see.

Can the public perception that Republicans are anti-immigrant along with the very low approval ratings and the split among Republicans help Democrats in November?

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